Saturday 6 July 2024

Welcome to the ALISHAN FILES

This blog is a resurrection of our original website

(the original website provider got taken over by an other company who " kindly " starting to double the yearly fees AND made editing or postings due to unfriendliness almost impossible...

...... resulting in a 404 error of our page. Thanx no thanks guys ! )

Lucky us, we still had all the text and pictues of the here-and-there on harddrives. 


After this intro, the order of the files are from 2011 => 2003  (top to bottom).

So the first post is of Alishan being back in Fukuoka in 2011. While the last post is more or less about us getting ready to depart Fukuoka for our SE Asia Tour.

Halfway down our SE Asia tour & website postings, we also started blogs for quick reports:

Alishan on the Move 

     And there is of course Marijke's blog       

   Wings 'n Things 

That's us now, June 2024 

Some pictures down our memory lane:

More or less Where and How it all started: 
Summer 1977

Our neigbors the year before we took off.
Our Jan Haring was moored in between these barges.
What a privilege.

July 1984.
We went left and left.

A Definite High-light in our trip was 
the Panama Canal in
January 1986

Marijke with the Catch of the Day.
Somewhere South Pacific. 

Jan Haring the 2nd time in Meinohama, Fukuoka.

Alishan in Meinohama, Fukuoka.

Thursday 27 June 2024

Q1 2011 part 1

In short 

It is 2011, the Q1 update starts with the New Year. In this coldest winter in years we make a short dash to the south of Kyushu. There are birthdays, outings with friends and a few birds again. The plumblossom is well recorded and so is our daily life. Let the photo’s tell the story.

Oshogatsu is what the New Year is called in Japan. The celebrations last for 3 days, from January 1st to 3rd. Schools, banks and many shops (not all!) are closed. For many companies it’s the only one time in the year they close  up. People decorate the entrances to homes and offices with ‘kadomatsu’ and ‘shime’, traditional new year’s ornaments. In Meinohama harbor you can see the “shime” on all fishing boats. And on Alishan of course.

In the morning of January 1st the fishermen sit on their deck, drinking sake with family and friends. Note the shime in the upper left corner. 

Osechi Ryori: New Year’s food.

Cooking is done beforehand and things like sushi and sashimi, abundant at any other festivity, are traditionally not part of the Osechi. The dishes are beautifully decorated and made for the eye rather than the stomach. All parts have a meaning. The kazunoko (fish row) symbolizes the wish for children in the new year, black beans are for health and kombu seaweed for joy.

Japan has many traditions and so do we. Every year (when we’re in the country) we celebrate Oshogatsu with the Kako family. The children all came home from Nagoya and Tokyo, Yosuke had returned from England.

Nobuko is an excelent cook, this year was also a real feast!

From left: Shiho, Keisuke, Kohji (Nobuko’s brother) and Yosuke.

At Shibaraku Papa-rin offers his customers New Years’ sake during the first week. 


On January 3rd all our neighbors go out to watch the Tamaseseri festival of Meinohama. The fishermen fight over a big wooden ball in a rugby-style scrum and move about slowly towards a shrine where the fisherman who manages to bring the ball up on a special platform can expect some good luck in the coming year.

The wooden ball that’s covered in oil becomes very slippery after a dip in salt water.

Onlookers throw buckets of cold water on the scrum.

Whatever the weather (no snow this year, but only 4-5 C) the guys wear fundoshi, a wrap that hides and protects their private parts and zori, cotton socks with thin straw or rubber soles. Some cheat a bit, like Kunitoshi in his white shirt and leggings.

It’s gotta be steaming hot in there.

Not all men are Japanese, Jaap is in there somewhere...

The scrum enters the ground of Sumiyoshi Jinja

Found Jaap?

Yo-chan and Ma-chin are ready to get the ball.

Anybody who expects the winner to stand up and raise the ball over his head will be disappointed. This is not about winning; it’s just a tradition. The old sacred ball is quickly placed in its box. Everybody sings the Hakata celebration song and it’s over. Afterwards people can briefly touch the ball, as it is the believe that it heals and eases pains.


Wednesday 26 June 2024

Q1 2011 part 2

 On Alishan we used three heaters to stay warm One was electric, another burned kerosine and the third one a kerosine fan-heater. We prefered the last one, but with the way we were setup we only had electricity at night, from the streetlantarns. Some faulty switch at the kumiai that nobody seemed to be able to fix. We burned kerosine during the day and got a lot of condensation inside the lockers and cupboards. It wasn’t too uncomfortable, but still it motivated the search for work.

Mitsuse, nearly 1000m above sealevel, where somebody made a snow sculpture to commemorate this year of the rabbit.

On January 7th we crossed the Mistuse pass to drive south to Kagoshima, where the temperatures were higher, but even there we found patches of snow in the hills.

The first night we stopped at Akune and met up with friends that we’d met last summer. (See Q3 2010)

Kiyota sensei and his assistant Uenohara had added more color to this rumorous city, who’s mayor was known for his liberal ideas and appeared on national tv almost daily. Unfortunately he has had to step down after elections in February.

The following day we continued south as far as Ibusuki, a hotspring town known for its hot sand baths and the yearly Nanohana Marathon. We checked in at a waterfront hotel, together with Noriko Kanzaki and more friends from Fukukoka and on Jan 9th Jaap ran the full 42.195 km hilly course.

Nanohana is the name of the yellow flowers

Noriko and Jaap

The non-runners (including Marijke)

We met Mi-chan again, who helps yachties that visit Kagoshima and who supplied us with a huge bag of rice, that will last us a year at least!

Mi-chan was adopted by our group after a long day of cheering, which is nearly as tiring as the run itself.

The following day we checked out very early and drove to this picturesc hotspring before heading back north. Noriko and Marijke’s hats are supplied at the spa and very usufull on sunny days! See how big the bath is? And the view.... magnificent! At 8:30 there was hardly anybody yet.

While Noriko and the others had to hurry back to work, we took our time driving through the country side and frequently saw these tall bamboo frames with rows of radishes driying in the sun.

Coastline just south of Akune.

We returned to Akune and Izumi, where we stayed in a ryokan (traditional Japanese inn) and saw the cranes wintering in the area. Because some birds had fallen ill with the birdflue the grounds where they congregate were closed to visitors.  This didn’t keep us from watching them flying and feeding in nearby fields.

White-naped Cranes on the left, Hooded on the right.

In Sendai (Kagoshima) we stopped to see a rare eagle, that winters here every year.

The warm waters of Sendai river created low foggy clouds over the mouth of the river that looked beautiful in the early morning light.

It looks just like any Black Kite so high up, but in facts this bird is nearly twice as big, this Greater Spotted eagle


Tuesday 25 June 2024

Q1 2011 part 3

In March we got a message saying Jaap’s mother might not last much longer and if we wanted to see her and talk to her we should not wait till summer. Arrangements were made and Jaap flew to Holland shortly after that. He stayed with his youngest sister Hessel and her husband Sjaak in Maassluis and visited Mum most days in the care center nearby.


With Mum at care center “De Drie Maashavens”

Sister Sjakkelien, nephew Tom and his girlfriend Maxime came to Maassluis one day.

And so did Marijke’s brother Herman (right) and his family, Judith, Melissa and Edwin.

Sushi’s were made on both occasions, rolled in Meinohama nori, the best in the world!

Sjaak with his product. He should have become a sushi-chef!

We often get questions about traditional Dutch food an we usually mention things like poffertjes, pannekoeken, erwtesoep and hutspot, but maybe we should start the list with white asperges.   YUMMY!

Frans and Marij, friends from way back when we were sailing our first steel 25ft Pied Boueff in the Netherlands in 1979

And then, on March 11, I was riding my bicycle to Odo, Jaap called from Holland. He had just heard about a big earthquake in Tohoku on the radio. I went back home and watched the news. First the damage in the big cities (surprisingly little). Then the tsunami and those images threw me of my chair. Immediately realizing Fukuoka was in a safe corner, I still wondered if there were any warnings for us. None at all. Then the nuclear powerplant, but that didn’t become a big worry untill 2 days later when there was finally some reliable news. People in other countries seemed better informed than we. The fact that we did get a 40cm tsunami in the bay was an example. We only heard about it the next day!!! 40cm might not sound much, but at high tide can still do a lot of damage. Luckily the tide was low and nothing happened. Now we all know how bad the situation is in Fukushima and not only for the people living in that part of Japan… I cannot even think about the men who stayed at the plant, trying to fix the leaks and cool the turbines. To me they are the biggest heroes of the century.

And so spring, the best time of the year, took a turn for the worst.

Every day de national TV broadcasts images of broken buildings, wrecked ships, people in shelters, people in tears. Now, a month later they are mostly about how people set up a life, make a living, create a home where there is only rubble. It’s truly amazing how these people just continue. They smile and cry. And even observe the cultural traditions, like hanami, the flower festivals.

Welcome to the ALISHAN FILES

This blog is a resurrection of our original website (the original website provider got taken over by an other company who "...